
Introducing WPUI, a design pattern library for building React-powered WordPress plugins or apps

As strong supporters of the WordPress Block Editor (aka Gutenberg), we have been early adopters and advocates of this technology. We have spoken about its potential and future at meetups and WordCamps, and have empowered our clients’ editorial experiences. We have also built plugins and extensions that embrace the Block Editor and have seen the huge potential it has as a product and the foundation it is laying down for the next generation of WordPress. We have been following the development and keeping an eye on various packages that were extracted and built. From building and extending blocks, curating editor…

LUBUS Highlights October 2023

This month, the team continued working on things they believed in and built a few side projects to fulfil our internal needs. Tatva We announced project Tatva. It is a custom Web Components library that we are building with few commonly used elements. We polished and pushed one of the elements called ‘Ping’, which allows the addition of a pulse animation element in HTML content with a custom element tag. We are working on a few more and look to make them public soon so stay tuned. WordCamp Mumbai A few of the folks from the team attended WordCamp Mumbai…

lubus highlights september 2023

LUBUS Highlights September 2023

This month, we continued our love for working on side projects to learn and build. We made some progress on several internal projects and started some new ones. So here are some of the key highlights for the more are: WordPress Playground Blueprint Builder We continued our exploration further on WordPress playground after building chrome extension and playground generator UI we have been exploring blueprint API. Blueprint API allows more control over playground setup and tailoring it as needed. Blueprint is a JSON string with instructions on setting up WordPress. We have been exploring creating a UI builder to ease…

LUBUS Highlights August 2023

It’s been quite a while since we shared any insights into what we have been doing. But, hey all this while we have been working on interesting and challenging projects, learning new things, expanding the team, sharing knowledge with the community, and toying around a handful of ideas. This month was quite happening and here are some of the key highlights below: Ajit spoke at and local Laravel meetup Learning is an important and integral part of our culture. We promote and reward skill building and see that as an ongoing process to be adopted by each and every one.…

UI Tool To Generate WordPress Playground link and embed

No denying the fact that we love WordPress playground a lot at LUBUS and have been incorporating it into our day-to-day work. Recently, we released a browser extension to enable launching themes and plugins on WordPress.org directly in Playground. Customizing https://playground.wordpress.net/ is quite simple and easy via appending query parameters. For example, to spin Playground with the Gutenberg plugin one needs to simply pass the plugin slug to Playground https://playground.wordpress.net/ ?plugin=gutenberg. Apart from this Playground supports several other https://wordpress.github.io/wordpress-playground/query-api/. Remembering or crafting URLs with this query parameter may not be intuitive for non-tech folks. To make this more user-friendly, we…

Launch wordpress.org Plugin or Theme in WordPress Playground

The WordPress ecosystem is constantly evolving and adding new tools to improve user and developer experience. We often need a quick WordPress setup to test something or showcase it. To help users with this, WordPress contributors have built a WordPress Playground. Leveraging the power of web assembly Playground allows the user to run WordPress right in the browser. One can visit https://playground.wordpress.net to spin an on-demand personal WordPress setup. One can visit the plugin or theme section and upload the zip file to install. A plugin or theme can be installed using the URL. For example, to spin a WordPress…

Composer EDD Plugin

Composer EDD Plugin – Install WordPress Pro Offerings Powered By EDD Software Licensing

Composer is a dependency manager for PHP and supports managing various WordPress dependencies. One can manage complete WordPress sites via composer installing core, themes, and plugins. For more info on using WordPress with Composer https://composer.rarst.net/ WordPress core can be installed via composer using https://packagist.org/packages/johnpbloch/wordpress. All the free themes and plugins are available for installation via wpackagist. Some premium plugins like “Advanced Custom Fields” supports installation via the composer. Commercial offerings keys and sensitive data can be protected by using “Private Composer Installer”. Not all plugin houses support composer based installation but still, the composer is flexible to source packages from…

Gymie maintenance Release v1.0.2 / v1.0.3

In 2018 we opensourced “Gymie“, our small side project which started as small solution to the local gyms. This year we are focusing on our “Laravel” and “Gymie” offering. We have received a positive response from people using the application. All the feedback and suggestions gives us better clarity about the roadmap. Latest maintenance release(s) iron outs bugs and cleanup. Next, work is in progress for v1.1.2 to bring some enhancements, code refactoring & cleanup. Personally, we are not happy with current implementation and we have started working on v2.0 release to make core app stable. Detailed scope and features…

Github Actions To Release WordPress Plugin

Github is the place where we spend a good amount of time exploring some amazing opensource projects, contributing or pushing our own code. Development at GitHub is on fire post Microsoft acquisition. Lately, we have seen many new features and improvements being rolled out to the platform. Of all the new goodies “Actions” are coming to platform which is currently in beta. Actions are fun little bots that help you automate all the boring repetitive task. Currently we have various other ways to do that. But having something integrated within the platform would be fun. With action possiblities are endless…

Explore Gutenberg Components with WP Storybook

At lubus, we have been embracing Gutenberg and have been building things using various reusable components and packages. UI components come handy to provide consistent UX. To make discovering and referring all components quick and easy we have built this experimental storybook. We keep adding stories/cases as and when we discover them. Currently, a good amount of components have been added and we thought to share it with others. Once it shapes up well we would love to explore getting it into core. Things on our list: Add as many possible components & cases Capability to view and copy the…