Handy WordPress Plugins

Handy WordPress Plugins For Developers – Part 2

At LUBUS we have been fortunate enough to work on different kind of projects which has helped us learn & explore WordPress. We try our best to avoid using plugins for every other requirement which can be simply implemented with few lines of code, but there are scenarios when plugins come in handy. For us, these plugins are tools & utilities which help us perform tasks during development. These plugins have been helping us lot on our various projects. We are sharing them in series of articles cover 5 plugins in each post along with scenarios when we used them. [well] Note: These plugins…

Why Laravel

We often get queries from clients or fellow devs like why Laravel? What can you build with Laravel? Oh, but why don’t we use “CodeIgniter or CakePHP” for that or Why not .NET ? The above could be because of 2 main reasons: 1. Half or no research about Laravel 2. A rigid thought process that is stuck with using same tried and tested technologies/frameworks & isn’t ready to adapt to the fast-paced growth of web technologies. No worries if that’s the case with your IT advisor. We have got your back, read along & at the end, you will…