
UI Tool To Generate WordPress Playground link and embed

No denying the fact that we love WordPress playground a lot at LUBUS and have been incorporating it into our day-to-day work. Recently, we released a browser extension to enable launching themes and plugins on directly in Playground. Customizing is quite simple and easy via appending query parameters. For example, to spin Playground with the Gutenberg plugin one needs to simply pass the plugin slug to Playground ?plugin=gutenberg. Apart from this Playground supports several other Remembering or crafting URLs with this query parameter may not be intuitive for non-tech folks. To make this more user-friendly, we…

Launch Plugin or Theme in WordPress Playground

The WordPress ecosystem is constantly evolving and adding new tools to improve user and developer experience. We often need a quick WordPress setup to test something or showcase it. To help users with this, WordPress contributors have built a WordPress Playground. Leveraging the power of web assembly Playground allows the user to run WordPress right in the browser. One can visit to spin an on-demand personal WordPress setup. One can visit the plugin or theme section and upload the zip file to install. A plugin or theme can be installed using the URL. For example, to spin a WordPress…