LUBUS Highlights June 2024

Lararvel Mumbai x Kotak Education Foundation

At LUBUS, we’re all about educating and empowering young talents. Recently, our team member Ajit led a session at the Kotak Education Foundation in collaboration with Laravel Mumbai. The session was all about sharing real-world experiences working with young minds, fellow founders, and owners.

PHPCamp 2024

We had a fantastic time at PHPCamp 2024, participating as attendees, speakers, and sponsors! It was amazing to explore the barcamp-style conference and dive into all the helpful sessions. The event was packed with opportunities to learn, share knowledge, and connect with fellow enthusiasts. We truly enjoyed every moment and can’t wait for the next one!

WordCamp Europe

Ajit from our team attended WordCamp Europe and returned with some really valuable insights. The event was filled with great sessions and opportunities to learn. Thanks to Ajit’s takeaways, we’re now exploring new plugins and solutions that could benefit our projects. The experience has been truly inspiring, and we’re excited about the possibilities these new tools and ideas bring. We’re already looking forward to the next edition of WordCamp Europe and can’t wait to see what new opportunities and innovations it will offer.

WPUI Updates

We’ve been busy improving the WPUI website! We now have better page navigation thanks to React routers, making it easier to find what you need. We’ve also added a “Getting Started” guide to help you use the boilerplate plugin and app. Plus, we’re working on a few new design patterns that we can’t wait to share once they’re polished. Stay tuned for more updates!

WordPress Playground Blueprint Builder

At WCEU, Ajit joined the playground table on Contribution Day and teamed up with Adam to explore building a blueprint editor powered by blocks. It was an exciting collaboration! A few more members of our team will be joining in to work on the initial POC. You can check out the progress so far—the code is public on GitHub. We’re thrilled to be part of this project and can’t wait to see where it leads!