LUBUS Highlights May 2024

21 & Still Rollin

WordPress turned 21 and is in full glory growing in different areas. The celebrations took place all around the world, with various local communities joining in. We were thrilled to sponsor a couple of meetups to support the local community, and some of our teammates even had a spontaneous celebration.

Modern WordPress Plugin Development

We have been working with several product companies, helping them build various solutions and integrations. The entire process has been quite a learning experience. We have been building processes, developing custom tools and libraries, and exploring a lot of things. As a byproduct, we have a lot of documentation and guides. The team is looking to convert a lot of this to be shared. We have worked on things like:

  • Moder Plugin Architecture
  • React Powered App
  • Rest API
  • Custom React Data Store
  • Modern Tooling
  • Licensing
  • Custom Updater
  • and more…

WPUI Updates

Lately, we’ve been doing a lot of client work and white-label services for React-powered development to bring more realistic updates to WPUI projects. Based on internal feedback, we are updating the website to improve design and navigation. In our work on projects, we’ve found that certain patterns are falling short, so we have a wishlist of patterns to fill the gap. The team is currently working on building them, and some of the items on the list are:

  • Credits screen
  • Dashboards
  • License Activation
  • Onboarding
  • Multi Step wizards
  • Plugin App Base
  • and a lot more…

We’d love to hear your ideas and suggestions for things you’d like us to explore and create just for you.

Also, just a heads up – we’re aiming to release the next batch of patterns around the end of September.

Tatva Updates

On the Tatva front, we’ve been making great progress with 4 custom web components. We’re super excited to use it with the Block Editor for some really cool solutions. We’ve already released the first version of the package on NPM, and we’re still working on making it even better. We’re also getting ready to release the package documentation and a landing site with a demo soon. Stay tuned for more updates!

BlaBlaBlocks Updates

And hey we have refocused our attention on BlaBlaBlocks and have begun updating some of our previous projects as well as introducing new ones. The Tatva web component project is currently in progress, and the web components will be incorporated into the WordPress block editor. Our goal is to release these projects as opensource by the end of September.