
LUBUS Highlights June 2024

Lararvel Mumbai x Kotak Education Foundation At LUBUS, we’re all about educating and empowering young talents. Recently, our team member Ajit led a session at the Kotak Education Foundation in collaboration with Laravel Mumbai. The session was all about sharing real-world experiences working with young minds, fellow founders, and owners. PHPCamp 2024 We had a fantastic time at PHPCamp 2024, participating as attendees, speakers, and sponsors! It was amazing to explore the barcamp-style conference and dive into all the helpful sessions. The event was packed with opportunities to learn, share knowledge, and connect with fellow enthusiasts. We truly enjoyed every…

LUBUS Highlights May 2024

21 & Still Rollin WordPress turned 21 and is in full glory growing in different areas. The celebrations took place all around the world, with various local communities joining in. We were thrilled to sponsor a couple of meetups to support the local community, and some of our teammates even had a spontaneous celebration. Modern WordPress Plugin Development We have been working with several product companies, helping them build various solutions and integrations. The entire process has been quite a learning experience. We have been building processes, developing custom tools and libraries, and exploring a lot of things. As a…


Quick Start Your Ideas With WPUI Plugin and App Boilerplate

A few months ago, we introduced WPUI – an open-source design pattern library that uses WordPress components as building blocks to create React-powered WordPress plugins or apps. With WPUI, you can spend less time on UI and more time developing your ideas. We use WPUI extensively to design modern UI for our internal and client projects. However, the process of setting up the project can be repetitive. To simplify this, we have created a boilerplate for both the plugin and a standalone app. We’ve configured the boilerplate setup using wp-scripts and wp-components to kickstart the project quickly. Plugin Boilerplate This…

LUBUS Highlights November 2023

Venturing Into Consulting We have primarily focused on providing solutions to individuals and businesses by training our teams and building solutions for clients. However, we have recently had the opportunity to work with mid to enterprise-level clients, who have approached us for WordPress consulting services. We have onboarded a few clients to start this new offering and are finding it to be an interesting and valuable learning experience. We plan to share more insights on this soon. Bulk Messaging Platform Aside from working with WordPress, we also enjoy using Laravel, and we recently had the opportunity to help an SME…

Experimental Go To Top Plugin For WordPress

We have been strongly advocating leveraging WordPress packages to build plugins and apps. From using them on client projects to side projects we have embraced them as much as possible. We even shared our thoughts on the same at WordCamp Mumbai. As part of constant learning and discovery, we encourage our team to build things they want to. A few months back we were working with one of our client and they had this hard requirement of having a go-to top-button plugin with flexible customization. We vetted a few plugins and thought it was a good opportunity to build something…

LUBUS Highlights October 2023

This month, the team continued working on things they believed in and built a few side projects to fulfil our internal needs. Tatva We announced project Tatva. It is a custom Web Components library that we are building with few commonly used elements. We polished and pushed one of the elements called ‘Ping’, which allows the addition of a pulse animation element in HTML content with a custom element tag. We are working on a few more and look to make them public soon so stay tuned. WordCamp Mumbai A few of the folks from the team attended WordCamp Mumbai…

lubus highlights september 2023

LUBUS Highlights September 2023

This month, we continued our love for working on side projects to learn and build. We made some progress on several internal projects and started some new ones. So here are some of the key highlights for the more are: WordPress Playground Blueprint Builder We continued our exploration further on WordPress playground after building chrome extension and playground generator UI we have been exploring blueprint API. Blueprint API allows more control over playground setup and tailoring it as needed. Blueprint is a JSON string with instructions on setting up WordPress. We have been exploring creating a UI builder to ease…

Gymie maintenance Release v1.0.2 / v1.0.3

In 2018 we opensourced “Gymie“, our small side project which started as small solution to the local gyms. This year we are focusing on our “Laravel” and “Gymie” offering. We have received a positive response from people using the application. All the feedback and suggestions gives us better clarity about the roadmap. Latest maintenance release(s) iron outs bugs and cleanup. Next, work is in progress for v1.1.2 to bring some enhancements, code refactoring & cleanup. Personally, we are not happy with current implementation and we have started working on v2.0 release to make core app stable. Detailed scope and features…

WordPress Gutenberg Theme Support

With Gutenberg WordPress allow themes to enable support for styling aspect. Theme can define fontsizes, colors and several optional opt-in features. Theme Support plugin enables configuring some on the support feature quickly via UI interface. Following are the current available suport options via plugin. Manage fontsizes, diable custom user fontsize Manage color palette, disable custom color picker Block Editor (Gutenberg) width Enable responsive embeds Enable default block styles Dummynator is available for download on WordPress plugin repo – Want to dive into the code and explore how it works? The code is open sourced on GitHub – Stay…


Dummynator – Insert Blocks With Dummy Content To Gutenberg

Dummynator, a simple plugin that allows you to add paragraph & list block with random content to Gutenberg. Recently working with Gutenberg we had to add random content to few pages & our laziness lead us to this plugin.  It was the perfect opportunity for us to use the Gutenberg plugin & sidebar API. Currently, the plugin provides few options & content type but yes we plan to add more options soon. Checkout Dummynator in action below. Want to play around with “Dummynator”, head over to our Gutenberg playground – Dummynator is available for download on WordPress plugin repo – Want to dive…