Quick Start Your Ideas With WPUI Plugin and App Boilerplate

A few months ago, we introduced WPUI – an open-source design pattern library that uses WordPress components as building blocks to create React-powered WordPress plugins or apps. With WPUI, you can spend less time on UI and more time developing your ideas.

We use WPUI extensively to design modern UI for our internal and client projects. However, the process of setting up the project can be repetitive. To simplify this, we have created a boilerplate for both the plugin and a standalone app. We’ve configured the boilerplate setup using wp-scripts and wp-components to kickstart the project quickly.

Plugin Boilerplate

This boilerplate setup the base WordPress plugin configured with a build process powered by wp-scripts. The plugin admin menu is configured to render the plugin page with React-powered UI, using WordPress components. With this, you can start your plugin with modern UI quickly. You can browse WPUI to craft your plugin interface.

App Boilerplate

We’ve also included a standalone react app base in the boilerplate configured with the build process powered by wp-scripts. The app’s landing page is powered by WordPress components, enabling you to start your standalone react app quickly, powered by WordPress Packages. You can browse WPUI to craft your standalone App.

We use these boilerplates internally for our projects. We encourage you to fork, learn, and create your projects using them. Please share what you build with us – we’d love to see it. More detailed tutorials on how to use them will be published soon.