LUBUS Highlights January 2025

Block Editor & FSE 2025

We ended 2024 with a strong focus on building WordPress websites powered by the Block Editor and Full Site Editing (FSE). All our client projects were exclusively developed using the Block Editor. Continuing this momentum into 2025, we are prioritizing helping new and existing clients migrate to the Block Editor. We already have a solid roster of projects lined up, which will further fuel our BlaBlaBlock initiatives. As our team works on these projects, we’ll be “dogfooding” various Block Editor features to identify and address the needs that arise.

We kicked off the year by migrating the Rolling Names website from Elementor to the Block Editor. A detailed case study and more information about the migration process will be published soon. The team has already begun working on the next Block Editor migration project.

Visual BluePrint Builder

Continuing our work on the Visual Blueprint Builder for WordPress Playground, we are focused on enhancing the overall user experience. We have introduced the following new features:

Open Blueprint

Previously, it was only possible to create new blueprints. Now, you can also open existing blueprint JSON files. To do this, either click the Open button to browse and select a blueprint JSON file, or simply drag and drop the JSON file onto the Open button.

Import From Blueprint Gallery

Tired of starting your Playground blueprint from scratch? What if you could use an existing blueprint as a foundation? Thanks to our amazing community, we now have a Community-Contributed Blueprint Gallery to help you get started. We’ve integrated this gallery directly into the builder, allowing you to quickly import and use any blueprint as a base for your project.


With our focus this year on helping new and existing clients migrate to the Block Editor, we are actively developing various blocks and editor features based on the needs emerging from these projects.

Slider Block

Several projects on our roster for the next few months require sliders and carousels. To address this, we are “dogfooding” our own Slider Block. We’ve released an initial version that meets the current needs, and we’re already working on the next set of updates to support our upcoming projects.

Text 2 Speech

A few of our client projects require a feature that allows users to listen to post or page content. To address this, we’re “dogfooding” a custom block. The block includes a player UI, initially built using the browser’s native Speech API. While the output is decent, it’s not perfect. We’re now expanding the block to support external services and are exploring integration with the Google Text-to-Speech API to further enhance its capabilities.


One of our key focuses this year is AI, and we are actively leveraging tools and resources to optimize our workflow. Currently, we use OpenAI ChatGPT, its direct API, and Bolt. Expanding further, the team is exploring Co-pilot and Cursor. However, we’re not limiting ourselves to these pre-made tools. Instead, we plan to dive deep into them to fully leverage their potential.


Over the past few years, many of our top-tier clients have migrated to Shopify for various reasons. Despite this shift, several clients wanted to continue working with us, as our teams have seamlessly integrated with theirs, ensuring smooth collaboration. However, since Shopify wasn’t a platform our team actively worked on, we initially chose not to venture into it.

That said, Shopify overlaps significantly with technologies our team is already familiar with. In 2023, we assembled a small internal team to explore the platform. They built sample apps and extensions, and after completing the exploration, the team was dissolved.

In 2024, at the request of some clients, we collaborated with them on Shopify projects, including theme customizations, custom extensions, and even building custom apps for a few businesses.

This year, we’re re-engaging with Shopify, and a small internal team is once again exploring the platform and building new solutions.

WordPress Mumbai Coffee Meetup

Some of our team members recently attended a WordPress Mumbai Coffee Meetup, where they spent a delightful Sunday enjoying coffee and connecting with fellow WordPress enthusiasts. The experience was a hit—they loved the vibrant discussions, shared insights, and the sense of community. They’re already looking forward to being part of more such meetups in the future!

These gatherings are a fantastic way to stay updated on the latest trends, exchange ideas, and build meaningful connections within the WordPress ecosystem. We’re excited to see how these interactions inspire fresh perspectives and collaborations for our team and projects.