Block Editor

What is new in WPUI (Sep 2024)

In the journey of WordPress, the Block Editor has introduced many packages integral to its core. Over time, these packages have significantly evolved, becoming versatile tools usable within and beyond WordPress itself. Our team continually harnesses these packages to build internal tools, and client projects, and explore new possibilities. Our team’s common challenge was the repetitive task of recreating the same UI elements and maintaining numerous code snippets. Often, we found ourselves duplicating the UI we had already developed or creating something remarkably similar to what existed in the core. What began as simple code snippets eventually transformed into WPUI.…

Extending the Query Loop Block: Creating a Custom “Most Popular” Variation

We’ve been early adopters of the Block Editor/Gutenberg and have been using it in various ways. As part of our internal streamlining process, we’ve been shifting towards block-based solutions. As a result, we’ve been transferring multiple client projects to blocks, which has been a really interesting learning journey for us. It’s been a blast pushing the limits and discovering all that we can achieve with blocks. Currently, we’re working on an exciting client project, helping them make the switch from a hybrid theme to a block-based theme. Their website relies on custom queries to feature content on the homepage, including…

LUBUS Highlights January 2024

WordPress Sessions in Bangalore Ajit Bohra from the team visited Bangalore for a week to conduct several workshops and meet-ups organized by Team Codewalnut. As passionate Block Editor advocates, we always strive to educate people on how to leverage the WordPress Block Editor to its fullest potential. Ajit confidently shared his expertise on using Block Editor to write content, build pages, and even an entire website, while demonstrating how to set up global styles, and build template parts, templates, and patterns using Full Site Editing (FSE). In the year 2024, there are still doubts and concerns about whether WordPress is…