
LUBUS Highlights June 2024

Lararvel Mumbai x Kotak Education Foundation At LUBUS, we’re all about educating and empowering young talents. Recently, our team member Ajit led a session at the Kotak Education Foundation in collaboration with Laravel Mumbai. The session was all about sharing real-world experiences working with young minds, fellow founders, and owners. PHPCamp 2024 We had a fantastic time at PHPCamp 2024, participating as attendees, speakers, and sponsors! It was amazing to explore the barcamp-style conference and dive into all the helpful sessions. The event was packed with opportunities to learn, share knowledge, and connect with fellow enthusiasts. We truly enjoyed every…

LUBUS Highlights April 2024

Laravel x Pune Meetup We love using Laravel and WordPress to create custom solutions for both our clients and ourselves. We believe in picking the right tools for the job, so we’ve been exploring different technologies, languages, and frameworks over the years. Recently, our team member Ajit shared some fascinating insights and real-life examples of how we’ve used Laravel and WordPress to build amazing things. The session was recorded by Laravel Pune Community and available on Youtube. WPUI Updates WPUI has proven to be an incredibly helpful tool for our team, providing a great starting point for our various projects,…

LUBUS Highlights March 2024

WordCamp Asia 2024 Wow, we had such an amazing time at WordCamp Asia 2024 in Taipei, Taiwan! Our team had a blast learning new things, meeting incredible people, and indulging in all the delicious local food. We came back feeling energized and excited to dive even deeper into the wonderful world of WordPress. Laracon India 2024 As Laravel enthusiasts, we use Laravel to power most of our internal tools. We specialize in providing Laravel-based solutions for the business needs of startups and businesses. Laracon India was a great experience for us, with helpful talks, great speakers, and a friendly community.…

Simplifying Database Seeding in Laravel with iSeed

If you’re a Laravel developer, you know how important database seeding is for quick setup of initial data during testing and development. But, managing seed data can be tricky, especially when updating individual tables without affecting the entire database. That’s where the iSeed package comes in – it simplifies the process by automating the generation of seeder files for individual tables. Recently, we worked on a client project that involved developing a system to store crucial data about users, including user profiles, authentication credentials, and permissions. However, during development, we faced a challenge of modifying the structure of the user…

LUBUS Highlights November 2023

Venturing Into Consulting We have primarily focused on providing solutions to individuals and businesses by training our teams and building solutions for clients. However, we have recently had the opportunity to work with mid to enterprise-level clients, who have approached us for WordPress consulting services. We have onboarded a few clients to start this new offering and are finding it to be an interesting and valuable learning experience. We plan to share more insights on this soon. Bulk Messaging Platform Aside from working with WordPress, we also enjoy using Laravel, and we recently had the opportunity to help an SME…

LUBUS Highlights August 2023

It’s been quite a while since we shared any insights into what we have been doing. But, hey all this while we have been working on interesting and challenging projects, learning new things, expanding the team, sharing knowledge with the community, and toying around a handful of ideas. This month was quite happening and here are some of the key highlights below: Ajit spoke at and local Laravel meetup Learning is an important and integral part of our culture. We promote and reward skill building and see that as an ongoing process to be adopted by each and every one.…

Gymie - Laravel Based Application

Gymie, A Laravel Based Gym Management System Is Now Open Source

Today we are happy to open source Gymie, a Laravel based gym and club management system we built some time back. It has an interesting backstory to share how it came to life. We had never planned to actually build it, rather it started as a side project. We had an intern we had been mentoring and to help him understand and learn Laravel better we picked it as a real-life case study to work on. It was based on our experience with local gym management how they have been handling things. With regular brainstorming session and development, it started taking shape…

LUBUs Highlights April 2017

LUBUS Highlights April 2017

[well]Working towards standardizing our workflow to work on things in a more disciplined manner [/well] Here’s a list of few things we have been doing recently that might be of your interest or help: Most of our existing client are either on VPS (Virtual Private Server) or are about to be moved. For the upcoming projects, we would standardize this for all upcoming projects to eradicate common issues/concerns raised by client mostly performance issues which are common on shared hosting. This will help us deliver better and also improve our workflow. Currently, all our projects are proudly powered by DigitalOcean. Ping us if…

LUBUS Highlights March 2017

[well] Like every month, last month also our team spent sometime in giving back to the community. Also, we spent hours in polishing few of our products. [/well] Here’s a list of few things we have been doing recently that might be of your interest or help: We have been using the simple script to debug/test WordPress queries. We thought to convert it into handy plugin & share it as OpenSource GPL plugin. We released “WP Query Console” which is available on WordPress plugin directory to install it quickly in your WordPress dashboard. Same is available on GitHub to explore the…

Laravel package to get list of installed packages and dependencies

Laravel Package To Get List Of Installed Packages And Dependencies

Laravel Decomposer, a laravel package to get list of installed packages and dependencies in your Laravel app along with their version numbers in a neat simple way just by the hit of a single route. You might be thinking the same can be achieved by typing a composer command, right? But here’s what you actually need to do to type that composer command: Open terminal Log into the server Oops! forgot the server credentials? Go back to Evernote & copy the credentials Back to the terminal & complete logging in Browse to the project directory Type the long composer command…