
Why Attend Laracon Online

Yesterday on 6th February  2017, Laracon Online was announced. Now since you must have already read what it is, I will focus on why one should attend it. Is it worth to attend 9 hours long virtual conference? Yes, it is definitely. The 9 hours long conference gives you hours of mingling with the dudes like Mr. Otwell himself. Now you would question he is virtually available on twitter & slack anyways why pay $10 for it? Fair enough! Here’s how I see the same thing: I can have a word with Mr. Taylor on how to be a better developer managing…

LUBUS Highlights Feb 2017

[well]Last month was all about open source & giving back to the community. Our young champ harish was on fire and still, sparkling stay tuned there is lot to come [/well] Here’s a list of few things we have been doing recently that might be of your interest or help Most of our work revolves around WordPress & Laravel, with every project we try to improve our workflow. We have been using Laravel extensively for our product development. Based on few cases we needed an easy way to gather installation requirement to speed up troubleshooting and bug fixing. Harish came…

laravel package for instamojo

Laravel Package For Instamojo – Laravel Mojo

Laravel package for Instamojo Laravel Mojo, it provides an expressive, fluent interface to Instamojo’s online payments and refund services. Github : Laravel Mojo Why Instamojo? Instamojo is the India’s emerging C2C payments & e-commerce platform that makes the whole process of online transactions a breeze both for the users and the developers. Other than all their mojo, the support & response from the people, there are enough to make you take a ride! Why Laravel Mojo? Since we use Laravel so extensively and our love for Instamojo is well-known on our Twitter specially, we cannot afford not having the mojo in the…

adding email verification

Adding Email Verification In laravel 5.3 App

Adding email verification process in your laravel 5.3 app step by step. First let’s initiate with an overview so we have an idea what is the actual process we are going to implement followed by the code and the steps. Overview : Create a user with a status of 0 (Zero) i.e. not verified initially Store a random token with the user details on creation Email the token to the user Match the token & user id coming from mail with the database records If matched set the user status to 1 i.e. verified Now, lets start with the code &…

laravel packages

How To Install Laravel On Windows Using WAMP

In this tutorial we will be looking into installing laravel on windows using WAMP. If you are new to laravel, installing laravel on windows might be little over whelming for you at first, I wish to make the installation process for laravel on windows for you as breeze as the framework itself, So let’s dig in Step 1 : Installing WAMP Download it’s dependencies (Visual C++ packages) first, which are as follows. Make sure you are “up to date” in the redistributable packages VC9, VC10, VC11, VC13 and VC14. Visual C++ Packages : The libraries VC9, VC10, VC11 are required…