
LUBUS Highlights February 2024

WordCamp Pune We had a fantastic time participating in WordCamp Pune as sponsors, facilitators, and attendees. This year’s WordCamp Pune was different from the usual sessions, as it was a day full of practical, hands-on workshops for participants. Ajit enjoyed the workshop on WP-CLI, while Amit and Sagar learned a lot about accessibility. A glimpse of the team at WordCamp Pune. WP-CLI Workshops and Peer Learning We believe in peer learning and conducting workshops to encourage our team to learn and grow together. Our team usually pairs up during coding challenges and hosts short workshops to facilitate learning. Recently, we…

LUBUS Highlights January 2024

WordPress Sessions in Bangalore Ajit Bohra from the team visited Bangalore for a week to conduct several workshops and meet-ups organized by Team Codewalnut. As passionate Block Editor advocates, we always strive to educate people on how to leverage the WordPress Block Editor to its fullest potential. Ajit confidently shared his expertise on using Block Editor to write content, build pages, and even an entire website, while demonstrating how to set up global styles, and build template parts, templates, and patterns using Full Site Editing (FSE). In the year 2024, there are still doubts and concerns about whether WordPress is…

LUBUS Highlights December 2023

WordCamp Udaipur 2023 Our team had the pleasure of attending WordCamp Udaipur where Ajit Bohra spoke about “Getting Good With WordPress Playground”. We enjoyed the winter weather, and delicious food (especially the hot Parathas), and had great conversations with fellow WordPress enthusiasts both at and outside of WordCamp. It was an amazing experience! WordCamp Ahmedabad 2024 After attending WordCamp Udaipur, we had the opportunity to attend WordCamp Ahmedabad one week later. Ajit Bohra was present at the event and described it as nothing less than a flagship event. The next WordCamp team will make sure to attend this event in…


Introducing WPUI, a design pattern library for building React-powered WordPress plugins or apps

As strong supporters of the WordPress Block Editor (aka Gutenberg), we have been early adopters and advocates of this technology. We have spoken about its potential and future at meetups and WordCamps, and have empowered our clients’ editorial experiences. We have also built plugins and extensions that embrace the Block Editor and have seen the huge potential it has as a product and the foundation it is laying down for the next generation of WordPress. We have been following the development and keeping an eye on various packages that were extracted and built. From building and extending blocks, curating editor…

LUBUS Highlights October 2023

This month, the team continued working on things they believed in and built a few side projects to fulfil our internal needs. Tatva We announced project Tatva. It is a custom Web Components library that we are building with few commonly used elements. We polished and pushed one of the elements called ‘Ping’, which allows the addition of a pulse animation element in HTML content with a custom element tag. We are working on a few more and look to make them public soon so stay tuned. WordCamp Mumbai A few of the folks from the team attended WordCamp Mumbai…

lubus highlights september 2023

LUBUS Highlights September 2023

This month, we continued our love for working on side projects to learn and build. We made some progress on several internal projects and started some new ones. So here are some of the key highlights for the more are: WordPress Playground Blueprint Builder We continued our exploration further on WordPress playground after building chrome extension and playground generator UI we have been exploring blueprint API. Blueprint API allows more control over playground setup and tailoring it as needed. Blueprint is a JSON string with instructions on setting up WordPress. We have been exploring creating a UI builder to ease…

LUBUS Highlights August 2023

It’s been quite a while since we shared any insights into what we have been doing. But, hey all this while we have been working on interesting and challenging projects, learning new things, expanding the team, sharing knowledge with the community, and toying around a handful of ideas. This month was quite happening and here are some of the key highlights below: Ajit spoke at and local Laravel meetup Learning is an important and integral part of our culture. We promote and reward skill building and see that as an ongoing process to be adopted by each and every one.…

LUBUs Highlights April 2017

LUBUS Highlights April 2017

[well]Working towards standardizing our workflow to work on things in a more disciplined manner [/well] Here’s a list of few things we have been doing recently that might be of your interest or help: Most of our existing client are either on VPS (Virtual Private Server) or are about to be moved. For the upcoming projects, we would standardize this for all upcoming projects to eradicate common issues/concerns raised by client mostly performance issues which are common on shared hosting. This will help us deliver better and also improve our workflow. Currently, all our projects are proudly powered by DigitalOcean. Ping us if…

LUBUS Highlights March 2017

[well] Like every month, last month also our team spent sometime in giving back to the community. Also, we spent hours in polishing few of our products. [/well] Here’s a list of few things we have been doing recently that might be of your interest or help: We have been using the simple script to debug/test WordPress queries. We thought to convert it into handy plugin & share it as OpenSource GPL plugin. We released “WP Query Console” which is available on WordPress plugin directory to install it quickly in your WordPress dashboard. Same is available on GitHub to explore the…

LUBUS Highlights Feb 2017

[well]Last month was all about open source & giving back to the community. Our young champ harish was on fire and still, sparkling stay tuned there is lot to come [/well] Here’s a list of few things we have been doing recently that might be of your interest or help Most of our work revolves around WordPress & Laravel, with every project we try to improve our workflow. We have been using Laravel extensively for our product development. Based on few cases we needed an easy way to gather installation requirement to speed up troubleshooting and bug fixing. Harish came…