Recently we have build few wordpress website for photographers. Major part of such website is having various images/albums displayed in pages/post. WordPress natively provides with option to add images or create galleries in post/pages. But some photographers prefer to have lots of images 100-200 images per post related to the event. This drastically increases load time & and also eats up server space. CDN might look good in such case but client didn’t wanted to go the CDN route.
We discovered that most of them already had all the photos uploaded & organized to their google plus account. So now it makes sense pulling images & albums right from google plus photos. This would help in avoiding extra work need to upload the album to server, save server space & using google server for delivering images hence solving the problem with out CDN. After digging through wordpress plugin repo we found the perfect resource we have been looking “Photo Express for Google“.
Some of the highlights of Photo Express for Google :
- Use Google account to access your photos and albums
- Private album access via auth
- Select albums / images from GUI listing by album cover and name
- Google+ style phototile gallery display or standard gallery utilizing native WordPress image thumbnail size
- Create a gallery of a subset of photos from an album by filtering the album with tags
- Gallery and image shortcodes for display of entire album or selected images
- Displaying images in lightbox
- Control thumbnail size and alignment
- photo express google browse albums
- photo express google browse photos
- photo express google image tile
Settings screen
If you need any further help on this topic, comment below and we are happy to help as quick as possible 🙂