Sublime Atom Snippets For WordPress Custom Meta Boxes

Sublime & Atom Snippets For WordPress Custom Meta Boxes

We at LUBUS love crafting custom WordPress solutions and try to use plugins only when it’s genuinely needed. Every other WordPress project we work on somehow requires “custom meta fields”. Though we have many plugins available we love to use non-plugin solution & “Custom Meta Boxes (CMB)” by Human Made is the perfect solution which always works for us and lately, we have been contributing to it as well. It’s so much part of our work nowadays that we find ourselves spending a lot of time on its wiki for various code & info. As “Sublime Text” is our choice of editor, we…

Display Upcoming WordCamp’s On WordPress Post Or Page

A couple of months back we released WordPress plugin to display upcoming WordCamp’s on the wp-admin dashboard, you can read about it here for more details. Post that we have been receiving the request from many users & developers to add in support for the shortcode. We have been planning to add the support for shortcode & Visual Composer so that details can be easily displayed at different places, not just wp-admin dashboard. Finally, with the release of v0.6, you can use the shortcode to display WordCamps anywhere or Visual Composer widget if you use Visual Composer page builder. Currently, shortcode doesn’t have any…

wordpress website google optimization

WordPress Website Optimization With Google

It’s no denying fact that with every passing day more and more people are using WordPress which is quite visible from the rising market share. At LUBUS we have been providing WordPress powered websites & solutions to our clients. We try to provide our clients with a handcrafted solution for more control over various aspects. These days more and more users are accessing the web via mobile devices and it’s much recommended to optimize the website for better rendering & speed. When using readymade themes & plugins it often leads to slow down of the website due to various reasons. We often get…

LUBUS Highlights Feb 2017

[well]Last month was all about open source & giving back to the community. Our young champ harish was on fire and still, sparkling stay tuned there is lot to come [/well] Here’s a list of few things we have been doing recently that might be of your interest or help Most of our work revolves around WordPress & Laravel, with every project we try to improve our workflow. We have been using Laravel extensively for our product development. Based on few cases we needed an easy way to gather installation requirement to speed up troubleshooting and bug fixing. Harish came…

DataTables JS – How To Change Pagination Button Class

DataTables.js is a popular jQuery plugin for HTML table which lets you add pagination, instant search, and multi-column ordering. Recently we have been working on WordPress plugin which required usage of Datatables to adding the jazz to the table output. It helped us quickly add pagination, search & sorting functionality. We used it for one of our plugin “WordCamp Dashboard Widget“. Default UI provided by DataTables is good but we wanted it to be inline with WordPress. We tweaked few elements with CSS override. But pagination button would need classes to be modified in order to change the UI, so we went…

WordPress Media Upload HTTP Error On Godaddy Shared Hosting

WordPress media uploads recently troubled us a lot as majority of our clients projects are powered by wordpress. We see to it that all the wordpress installs we manage are up to date. From past few days we faced issues with the wordpress websites hosted on godaddy servers. We were unable to upload images to media library and it would end with “HTTP Error”. We decided to get in touch with godaddy support and get some help. They tried their best to help us with the solution and said all things are good at the server end. We landed on one wordpress…

WordPress Plugin To Display Upcoming WordCamps On wp-admin Dashboard

It’s been quite few years for us designing & developing websites & apps powered by WordPress. Lately we have been planning to use our experience on various projects and share them in the form of useful plugins. wordpress.org repository already has many great plugins created by awesome developers around the world. So we were looking at building something which can add value and be useful both at the same time like everyone hopes for at the start. As these days we are looking forward to various WordCamps happening around, we try to keep our self updated. We saw this idea posted by Ratnesh Sonar on the forum regarding…

photo express google wordpress plugin

WordPress Using Google Plus Photos In Your Post

Problem Recently we have build few wordpress website for photographers. Major part of such website is having various images/albums displayed in pages/post. WordPress natively provides with option to add images or create galleries in post/pages. But some photographers prefer to have lots of images 100-200 images per post related to the event. This drastically increases load time &  and also eats up server space. CDN might look good in such case but client didn’t wanted to go the CDN route. Solution We discovered that most of them already had all the photos uploaded & organized to their google plus account. So now it…

WordPress yoast seo Hide settings on user profile page

WordPress Yoast SEO Hide Settings On User Profile Page

Task: Recently we had a client requirement where in we needed to hide the wordpress yoast seo setting on profile screen. If you would like to hide the worpdress yoast seo setting on user profile. This can be be done in 3 different ways either using inline style sheet, enqueuing custom css file for admin or using plugin. Adding custom css file would be best as it would help you keep everything organized & also let you add more in future. You can also go plugin route if your plugin junkie Approach 1: Adding inline stylesheet Add the below code to your…